Apple requires all beta apps to run using their app called TestFlight.

Install Apple’s TestFlight App

Install Apple’s TestFlight on the iOS device that you’ll use for testing, then return to this page to install the Attenteo App.

Install the Attenteo App

Once TestFlight is installed, follow this TestFlight link to install the Attenteo App.

The TestFlight application will launch and show the Attenteo icon – see screenshot at the right.

Tap the “INSTALL” button to install the app.

Run the Attenteo App

Once the app has downloaded and installed, the button will change to say “Open.”

Tap the “Open” button and you will see a screen titled “From the Developer” – see screenshot at right.

Tap the “Next” button and you will see a screen titled “Share Feedback.”

You may ignore the comments about taking screenshots and sending feedback, as you will not need to do that.

Just tap the “Start Testing” button to launch the Attenteo App.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TestFlight?

TestFlight is an Apple product that makes it easy for users to test an app before it is released to the App Store. For more information, see the TestFlight page on Apple’s website.

How is my data used?

When you test apps with TestFlight, Apple will collect crash logs, usage information, and any feedback you submit. Think Now will use your information only to improve the app and will not share it with any third parties.